英文演讲录 崔娃—世界在变好,因为我们看到了糟糕之处(3)(在线收听

People always come up to me and they go, Trevor, as the host of The Daily Show how do you feel about Donald Trump?


I say well, I don't know how to feel about him that's the honest truth.


He's a paradox for me emotionally.


One part of me is terrified at the notion that he is president of the most powerful nation of the world, the other side of me knows that every day he's going to make me laugh.


I cannot deny this.


And this is a tough place to be in because you have to process the very real situation that you are in and that is a dangerous one but at the same time you can acknowledge that when you laugh, you're not controlled by fear and that's something that I've always lived with in my life, in my family.


My mother always said to me, she said when we are laughing, we are not afraid.


When we are laughing we are experiencing our truer selves.


It doesn't mean what I happening to us is not real but it means that we can process the very real world that is happening to us and in many ways I try and look at the positives.


People go, is the world getting better?


I go I believe it's always getting better but in many ways the world is like the body.


You cannot see the change when you look at it every single day but if you take snapshots you can see how things are getting better.


You can also see how some things are getting worse, climate change is one of those


and that's where young people are stepping up and saying hey, hurricanes are a good example, the intensity of these once-in-a-lifetime events has increased, maybe it's time to do something.


Young people are speaking up.


Donald Trump is doing that.


People are speaking up, they're engaging like never before.


For the first time in history we're living through a time period where we're learning about the presidency at the same time as the president which is engaging people like never before.


You wake up, you read the newspaper and you go I never knew this before and somewhere at that exact same moment the president is reading that same newspaper saying the exact same thing and that for me is exciting.


Is it scary?


Yes, but most exciting things are scary but honestly, I saw it over the last few weeks and I mean it's still unfolding now.


You have Hurricane Maria which is wreaking havoc and moving to Puerto Rico now and we're seeing the devastation but we've also seen the giving.


I was touched by how many people even on our show reached out and there is an opportunity for everyone to become a goalkeeper which is what excites me and that is in this new world of technology we have the opportunity to engage with activists on the ground level.


People often mock millennials and they say these are hashtag activists and I argue they're hashtag activists until they're given the opportunity to take it from a tweet into the street


and so I urge every single one of you in this room if you have the power, if you have the ability, if you have the information or the knowledge, take these people up on what they're offering.


They're energized, they're optimistic, they're powerful beyond all measure and I'm proud to say that I am one of them, I am a millennial and by proxy I hope to be a goalkeeper.


Thank you very much for having me and congratulations on everything today.

