VOA常速英语2022 音乐家布伦特·摩根的谋生之路(在线收听


Making a Living: Musician Brent Morgan

Hey, my name is Brent Morgan.Im 33 years old and I write and produce music for a living.And this is my ordinary life.So, this is my studio.I have two different portions as you can see.Right here is where I do my live streaming every single day.As you can see, Ive got my SM7 mic rigged up.Ive got my Sony camera.Im here most of my time every single day.I sit in this chair probably like four to five hours a day at least.And then if you come over here, this is where I do all of my writing and recording.


I got an interest in music when I was in 11th grade.My whole life before that was focused on sports.I had scholarships lined up for baseball.But I also joined a band with my friends.I started realizing that I could sing and I could play by ear.So, I started teaching myself piano and guitar and just performing for some friends here and there.And then I got really interested and I went to college for music and started giving lessons.I started realizing my life was surrounded by music.So, I really wanted to pursue it.I even remember when I was about to propose to my wife, I had to go talk to her parents and say, Im going to do music for a living.And it was terrifying.


Luckily, I had just won $100,000 from Petco (a pet store), the week before I asked that question.So, it kind of gave me some leverage.


I entered this contest and wrote a jingle for them about rescue animals and I won $100,000.It was $50,000 for me and $50,000 for the shelter that I rescued my dog from.Thats when I started realizing like this is how you monetize it.I got to where I was writing probably four to five jingles a week.


The tricky part is to fit an extremely catchy melody and all of the talking points that the company wants you to talk about in 15 to 30 seconds.


So, when I was in the thick of writing all these jingles, I was getting very, very weird requests for jingles;companies that want a jingle for their funeral home or want a jingle for their porta potties (portable toilet) that were going to be used at festivals.I had one for, it was a horse rehabilitation clinic.And I was like there is no way I could write you a jingle.And why do you need to advertise this in a jingle form?It was great money.I was very excited.There was a lot of news publications about it.But eventually, I started realizing I was losing the ability to write longer songs which is my passion.And so I just stopped.I completely stopped writing jingles for almost two years.And I started trying to focus writing songs again.And luckily, they started taking off for me and for other artists that I was writing for.


Theres so many different ways to make money and to make a living using music, mine being: YouTube streams, Spotify, Apple music streams and all of the different streaming, you know, sites.I also livestream my music to my fans on a daily basis on an app called YouNow.You can make $10,000 to $15,000 a month if you stick to it and you stream daily.

有这么多不同的方式来赚钱和用音乐谋生,我的是:YouTube Streams,Spotify,苹果音乐流和所有不同的流媒体,你知道,网站。我还每天在一款名为YouNow的应用程序上向粉丝直播我的音乐。如果你坚持每天流媒体,你一个月可以赚10,000到15,000美元。

Ive actually incorporated my jingle writing into my live streaming.So, say, Dave tipped me something thats worth $100 dollars, a gift.Thats a huge gift.I might write a jingle about Dave, on the spot.That just causes everybody else to want their own jingle, so they also support me.Some people just support me because theyre really enjoying seeing behind the scenes of the songs that Im making.I got the opportunity to go to China.I got to perform on this stage.


Ive never seen a bigger stage in my life.I want to go back to Beijing or any part of China as soon as I can.It really opened my eyes that the world is so different the further you go.The Voice (TV talent program) approached me on Instagram after seeing some of my successes on there.


Being there for an entire month to work on a minute and a half of one song that youre going to sing on TV was so overwhelming.If anything, it just made me a better musician because thats all I thought about for an entire 30 days was that one song and how to make it better.


About a week into my stay at The Voice, I started noticing my voice was not recovering at all.It was very weird.It was swelling.My throat was swelling up.When I got back home, I started going to doctors and nobody could figure out.They would look in my throat and not see anything.My voice goes away every day at five oclock.I cant sing.I had to cancel all gigs that I was doing.I couldnt go back to The Voice.It was two years of me going from doctor to doctor.It scared me.I didnt know if I was going to have a future and doing what I love.I ended up finding out it was a thing called Muscle Tension Dysphonia, which, to make it short, is basically where your brain stops telling your vocal cords to relax.So, if I get hit in my shoulder, my vocal cords close up because its messed up.Ive been doing treatment now and doing allergy shots and different things and my voice is improving literally weekly.


So, I live in Madison, Alabama.My whole family lives here.My mom, my dad, my sisters.We are all within five minutes of each other.I met my wife in high school.She was on the high school soccer team.She was like the star.I joined the soccer team which Id never played soccer because I wanted to meet her.And it worked.I ended up getting to know her.We started dating.And now, weve been married ever since.

