VOA常速英语2022 气候变化导致可可产量下降(在线收听


As Hershey’s Raises Prices, Ivory Coast Cocoa Farmers Grapple With Climate Change

Hersheys, the largest producer of chocolate products in the United States, said last month,it will raise prices of its products across the board due to the rising cost of ingredients.Meanwhile, chocolate makers say they are seeing cocoa prices rise in Ivory Coast, the worlds biggest cocoa producer.


Weve noticed the price of cocoa is going up these few years, especially organic cocoa.So, from the beginning, if we can say from today that those last five years, we can say the price risen 20%.


Demand for chocolate in America increased during COVID-19.Cocoa producers in Ivory Coast are struggling to keep up with that demand.Experts say one reason is the impact of climate change.Harvard University says that by 2030, parts of West Africa will be too hot and dry to adequately produce cocoa.The West African countries of Ghana and Ivory Coast alone produce 70 percent of the global supply.Cocoa farmer Rafael Konan Kouassi says, trees are yielding less due to rising temperatures and poor rains.

新冠肺炎期间,巧克力的需求有所增加。象牙海岸的可可生产商正努力跟上需求。专家声称,其中一个原因就是气候变化。哈佛大学表示,到2030年,西非部分地区将变得过于炎热和干燥,无法生产足量的可可。仅加纳和象牙海岸这两个西非国家的可可产量就占全球供应量的70%。可可农民Rafael Konan Kouassi说,由于气温上升和降雨不足,可可产量出现下降。

First, almost all of the young plants die in the high season. If youve not been able to get water to them, you have no cocoa.Secondly, this has reduced the production of cocoa for those of us who farm it.Thirdly, the heat is so strong, that also reduces production.


Kouassi receives government assistance in the form of cocoa trees, which are more resilient to the fluctuations of climate change.But says government distributions happen at the wrong time of year for the saplings to survive.


The Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres, the global scientific organization,says getting information about how the climate is changing can help inform farmers on how to better nurture their crops.


And what were seeing is that the onset of both dry and wet season can change less reliable.During the season, there may be breaks.In terms of, there may be rain during the dry season or theres a dry spell during the wet season and the overall distribution, amounts of rainfall they receiving may change.


But it says the data finds it may be better for farmers to get out of cocoa and diversify into other crops.One supplier of cocoa products in Ivory Coast who supplies Hersheys says higher prices for cocoa could be welcomed by farmers, however.

但数据显示,对农民来说,不种植可可,转而种植其他作物, 实现作物多样化可能更好。象牙海岸一家为好时公司供货的可可产品供应商说,可可价格的提升使种植者十分高兴。

And my opinion is that these farmers should have better price, should earn more because they work hard, most are poor.


A wish appears to be coming true as climate change continues to bite, prices continue to surge.

