英语悠选脱口秀 英国小哥的"坐月子之旅"(在线收听) |
英国小哥的"坐月子之旅" 讲解: Today's key word is Birth. Birth 出生,诞生 When a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body. 一个人类宝宝到底是从哪里来的呢? 今天呢,我们一起来研究一下,坐月子这个“惨无人道”的活动。 话说,一个充满好奇心的英国小哥前不久不远万里来到中国,体验了一把坐月子。用亲身经历再次证明一个宇宙真理: No zuo no die, why you try!? Sitting in the month 坐月子 At first, the British Guy though that 坐月子就是 Sitting in the month! 这充分证明了,这个天真的英国小哥并不了解事态的严重性。坐月子光坐着可是不行滴。 Confinement 才是更加正确和适合的表达。 Confinement除了坐月子之外,还有监禁,限制的意思。 这个英国小哥,第一天就被要求先带上 fake boobs.(C cup 哦) 但这仅仅是一个开始,一个开始,开始~~~~ He had to learn how to feed the babies, how to bath the babies, how to comfort the babies when they cry, and many other how to~~~~ 在他终于完成一系列任务后,小哥激动这期待享誉全球的Chinese food。 排骨?烤鸭?烧鸡? NO NO NO 红豆汤,小米粥,白水猪蹄汤。 估计当时小哥的内心是崩溃的,还不如回去吃Fish and chips. 为了让体验更为真实,热心的中国工作人员,还免费让他体验了一把产后疼痛,用加衣服的夹子把这哥们的肚子夹的色彩缤纷。 After he escaped from this “hell”, the British guy wrote a very very long article. 向世界哭诉了自己的经历。 Here are some sentences from his article: “I had a "devil baby" section where it drove me crazy crying for half an hour straight.'” 哭半个小时,小哥你也太夸张了。 “I get red bean soup for dinner (the staff get McDonald's) ” 我晚饭喝了红豆汤,他们竟然吃了麦当劳!麦当劳! It seems like this British guy had lot to say during the 24 hours experiences. 中国妈妈们为了孩子承受了多少,可能只有亲身体会才能真正了解的到。 So give your mom a call and tell her you love her. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yyyxtkx/547327.html |