
Later that year, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace prize and in December, he travelled to Oslo to give his dazzling acceptance speech.


The premise of his Nobel lecture was that terrorism, which he privately described (according to interviews) as a boring regulatory quandary, was so new and threatening that it required thinking “in new ways about the notions of just war and the imperatives of a just peace”.

他的诺贝尔演讲的前提是,恐怖主义,他私下描述(根据采访)为一个无聊的监管困境,出现的时间很短,威胁很大,它需要 "以新的方式思考正义战争的概念和正义和平的必要条件"。

No matter the illusions some had cultivated when Obama ran, for a president, at least of the United States, an anti-war stance in power was out of the question.


All respect was due to his elected ancestor Martin Luther King’s rejection of war when he won his own Nobel in 1964 with the message that violence “solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones.”

他的当选祖先马丁-路德-金在1964年赢得自己的诺贝尔奖时表示,暴力 "不能解决任何社会问题:它只会制造新的和更复杂的问题",拒绝战争的他值得所有尊重。

But neither King nor Mohandas Gandhi before him had led a great nation.


It was a brilliant self-defence, not only of the ethics of Obama’s own role, but of American violence in a world where, he insisted, too many naively demand peace.


“In many countries,” Obama remarked, “there is a deep ambivalence about military action today, no matter what the cause.


And at times, this is joined by a reflexive suspicion of America, the world’s sole military superpower.”


As the New York Times editorialists pointed out in lauding Obama’s rhetoric, “he directly challenged the widespread ambivalence and aversion” toward the Afghan war among Americans, too.


In his eloquent rationale for the uses of US military power for a new age, the saving grace, perhaps, was that Obama insisted on humane constraints.


He recalled the US’s onetime contribution to a less war-torn globe, that is, after the second world war, constructing the international systems and institutions that were intended to reduce international conflict.


And that contribution during and after the cold war left the world a “legacy for which my own country is rightfully proud”, though there may have been costs and mistakes along the way.

这种贡献在冷战期间及之后给世界留下了 "我的国家理应感到自豪的遗产",尽管这一路走来可能也付出了不少代价,犯了不少错。

But in the face of terror, what the American contribution required was not an end to war but precisely playing by the rules of humane warfare.

