
In part, it was a generational clash.


Schneider belonged to a younger, more rebellious cohort, happy to take science to the streets.


In contrast, Landsberg had spent a career working carefully with government and the military, generally behind closed doors, and was scared that public involvement might disrupt the delicate balance of this relationship.


What’s more, the cultural norms of scientific behaviour that expect a “good” scientist to be guarded and avoid anything that smells remotely of drama were deeply embedded – even when, like any deeply embedded cultural norm, they can skew the science.

更重要的是,科学行为的文化规范期望一个 "好 "的科学家保持警惕,避免任何带有戏剧性的东西,这种文化规范是根深蒂固的--即使像任何根深蒂固的文化规范一样,它们甚至可以歪曲科学。

Landsberg was far from the only established meteorologist bristling at all this new attention given to climate change.


Some felt uneasy about the drama, while others didn’t trust the new technologies, disciplines and approaches being used.


In the UK, the head of the Met Office, John Mason, called concern about climate change a “bandwagon” and set about trying to “debunk alarmist US views”.

在英国,气象局局长约翰-梅森(John Mason)称对气候变化的关注是一个 "波段",并开始尝试 "驳斥美国的危言耸听。

In 1977 he gave a public talk at the Royal Society of Arts, stressing that there were always fluctuations in climate, and that the recent droughts were not unprecedented.


He agreed that if we were to continue to burn fossil fuels at the rate we were, we might have 1C warming, which he thought was “significant”, in the next 50-100 years; but on the whole, he thought, the atmosphere was a system that would take whatever we threw at it.

他同意,如果我们继续以现在的速度燃烧化石燃料,地球可能会在未来50-100年内变暖1摄氏度,他认为这是 "重要的";但总的来说,他认为,大气层是一个系统,可以承受我们扔给它的一切。

Plus, like many of his contemporaries, he figured we would all move over to nuclear power, anyway.


Writing up the talk for Nature, John Gribbin described the overall message as “don’t panic”.

约翰-格里宾在为《自然》杂志撰写演讲稿时,将总体信息描述为 “不要惊慌”。

He reassured readers there was no need to listen to “the prophets of doom”.

他向读者保证,没有必要听信 "末日的预言家"。

Change was coming, though, and it would be a combination of an establishment scientist and an activist that would kick it off.


As Nathaniel Rich describes in his book Losing Earth, an obscure 1978 US Environmental Protection Agency report on coal ended up on the desk of Rafe Pomerance, a lobbyist at the DC offices of Friends of the Earth.


It mentioned the “greenhouse effect”, noting that fossil fuels could have significant and damaging impacts on the atmosphere in the next few decades.


He asked around the office and someone handed him a recent newspaper article by a geophysicist called Gordon MacDonald.


MacDonald was a high-ranking American scientist who had worked on weather modification in the 1960s as an advisor to Johnson.

