英语悠选脱口秀 你见过粘了20年口香糖的墙吗(在线收听

Today’s key word is Gum

Gum 口香糖 泡泡糖

Gum is a substance(物质), usually tasting of mint, which you chew for a long time but do not swallow.

Here is an example:

A new report suggests that chewing-gum may be a health hazard.


今天我们要说的不是一块口香糖,也不是一个嚼口香糖的人。 而是泡泡糖和成千上万个被嚼完的口香糖被bia到了一面墙上。

In the US, the Market Theater Gum Wall is a brick wall(砖墙) covered by chewed gum, in an alleyway(胡同儿) in downtown Seattle. 这个口香糖墙的出现,都源自于20年前的一个晚上。


After 20 years, the wall is plastered (粘贴) with wads of gums in a kaleidoscope(万花筒) of colors, some stretched and pinched into messages, hearts and other designs.


但是,last week, three workers started the 3-day task of melting(融化) them all off. 这是为什么呢?Zoe Freeman who works near Pike Place says that: "It's an icon. It's history. The market is famous for the gum wall. But it also draws rats(老鼠)."

于是,这面艺术与口水并存的墙,就被融化掉了。那么,大家对此作何反应呢?伤心欲绝型 - Some of us went to pay our respects to #GumWall! Seattle won't be the same tomorrow. 西雅图,再也不是原来的西雅图了!冷静对待型 - Gross but cool... Glad I got to see the famous Seattle Gum Wall before it gets melted clean. 恶心并酷着。

冲动善后型 - Looks like we'll be going back to Seattle sooner than expected. Need to get my gum back on that wall! 艾玛,得早点回去,把我的口香糖抠回来。口味怪异型 - Smells like 20 year old watermelon and spearmint. 恩恩,清理的时候香味四溢,典藏20年西瓜,薄荷香。

看来大部分人还是很怀念this gumwall. 但是,不用桑心,人家说了 Once the wall is clean, people will be allowed to stick gum up there again. 没了再去bia就好了。


Talk to you next time!
