VOA常速英语2022 美警方逮捕一名萨克拉门托枪击事件嫌疑人(在线收听

In the U.S., police in California's capital city announced an arrest Monday connected with the shooting that killed six people and wounded a dozen others in the heart of Sacramento as multiple shooters fired more than 100 rounds and people ran for their lives.


AP correspondent Julie Walker reports.


Police say at least two shooters opened fire on a busy street around 2 a.m. as bars and clubs were closing, killing the three men and three women ranging in age from 21 to 57.


Police chief Kathy Lester: "The scale of violence that just happened in our city is unprecedented during my 27 years here at the Sacramento Police Department."


Social media video shows a fight and dozens of rapid fired gunshots are heard.


Police sergeant Zach: "I don't know if that's fight actually led to the shooting. We're still working through all those details right now."


Police found a stolen gun at the scene.


Meanwhile, people are leaving candles and balloons as a memorial to the victims grows.


I'm Julie Walker.


Israeli police arrested several Palestinians accused of throwing rocks and other objects at officers outside the contested Old City of Jerusalem on Monday as tensions flare during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.


Video footage from the scene showed officers being pelted by water bottles and other objects and detaining suspects.


It was the third consecutive night of unrest outside the Old City, a frequent flashpoint of Israeli-Palestinian violence.


On Sunday, Palestinian youths and Israeli police scuffled outside the Damascus Gate, a central gathering place in the heart of historic Jerusalem.


At least eight people died when a goods train derailed in southeast Democratic Republic of Congo, the second accident in the area in a fortnight, a local official said Monday.


The accident occurred during the night of Saturday to Sunday.


In mid-March, a train came off the tracks in the same village, killing at least 75 people and injuring 125, according to the official toll.


In the latest accident, there are eight dead and 20 injured, according to the provincial government's communication official.


A team led by the health ministry headed to the site with, quote, "medicines, food and other first aid equipment," he told reporters.

