《圣诞颂歌》 第三章 三幽灵中的第二位(2)(在线收听

'What does your torch do, spirit?' asked Scrooge.


'It gives a special taste to people's dinners on this day,' answered the spirit.


'Why do you use it most on poor people?' said Scrooge.


'Because poor people need it most,' was the reply.


They went on through London, and came to the small house where Scrooge's clerk lived.


Here the spirit smiled, and held his torch high over the door.


Inside, Bob Cratchit's wife and second daughter, Belinda, in their everyday dresses, but looking clean and pretty, were putting plates on the table for their Christmas dinner.


Bob's son Peter was helping to cook the potatoes, and two smaller Cratchits, a boy and a girl, were running round excitedly.


Just then the eldest daughter, Martha, arrived home from work.


'Here's Martha, mother!'cried the two young Cratchits happily.


'We're having a really big chicken for dinner, Martha!'


In fact it was only a small chicken, but it seemed large to the excited children.


'My dear, how late you are!' said Mrs Cratchit, kissing her daughter several times.


'We were so busy yesterday, mother!' replied the girl. 'That's why we didn't finish until this morning!'


'Well! Never mind, now that you're here. God bless you! Sit down by the fire, my dear!'


'No, no! Father's coming!' ried the two young Cratchits. 'Hide, Martha, hide!'


So Martha hid herself, and in came Bob in his thin coat and long white scarf, with his son Tiny Tim in his arms.


Poor Tiny Tim! He had not walked since he was born, and although he could pull himself and his thin little legs along with the help of a wooden crutch, he was not strong enough to travel far alone.


'Why, where's Martha?' cried Bob, looking round.


'Not coming,' said Mrs Cratchit.


'Not coming!' repeated Bob, his cheerful smile disappearing. 'Not coming on Christmas Day!'

