
A charter school's racial controversy illustrates the real battle for America's classrooms


Eric Henry couldn't believe what the fifth-graders at his triplets' school were being assigned to read.

埃里克·亨利(Eric Henry)的三胞胎所在学校的五年级学生被指定的阅读材料让他简直不敢相信。

On Jan. 31, the electrical engineer and Navy veteran fired off an email to a group of fellow parents and activists in the Boston suburb of Malden.


"Remote learning has given us added insight into what stands for instruction based on American Culture!” Henry wrote. "The banning of this text from the curriculum should be a plank in our platform.”

“远程学习让我们对基于美国文化的教学有了更深入的了解!” 亨利写道。“在课程中禁止这类文本应该成为我们的主要着力点。”

The book in question was The Adven tures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain's 1876 classic of American literature—a work approved by the state of Massachusetts as part of the public-school curriculum.


But when Henry's missive reached an employee at the agency that oversees Mystic Valley Regional Charter School, the official agreed with his complaint.

但当亨利的信件到达神秘谷地区特许学校(Mystic Valley Regional Charter School)监管机构的一名员工手中时,该官员认同他的抱怨。

"This is horrible,” wrote Olympia Stroud, a program coordinator at the Massachusetts department of elementary and secondary education (DESE).

“这太可怕了,”马萨诸塞州中小学教育局(DESE)的项目协调员奥林匹亚·斯特劳德(Olympia Stroud)写道。

"How long have these books been in the curriculum?” Stroud forwarded the concerns to a supervisor, Benie Capitolin, who called the matter "heart breaking.”

“这些书在课程中多久了?” 斯特劳德将这种担忧转达给了主管贝尼·卡皮托林(Benie Capitolin),主管称此事"令人心碎"。

"If our system can't protect Black and brown students from unsafe environments,” Capitolin wrote, "how can it possibly educate them?”


For 23 years, Mystic Valley's academic record has been undeniable.


Its students are disproportionately lower income kids from communities of color, yet its test scores and graduation rates routinely rank among the state's best.


Charter-school rankings place it in the top percentiles nationally.


The school's 1,500-person wait list is nearly as large as its K-12 enrollment, and attrition is so low that few students are admitted past kindergarten.


Under Massachusetts law, charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately operated, are supposed to be judged solely on their academic success, faithfulness to their charter and organizational viability.


But Mystic Valley's future as an institution is now in doubt because of an approach to teaching that has fallen out of fashion.


The school's educational mission focuses on "the fundamental ideals of our American Culture,” with an emphasis on the nation's founding documents.


As set out in its state-approved charter, it aims to "embrace the melting pot theory by highlighting our citizens' and students' commonality, not their differences.”


Yet to avoid perpetuating racism, many educators, administrators and parents now believe it's insufficient to ensure that everyone is treated the same.


A few years ago, as national debates about racism and history intensified, DESE added a new "cultural responsiveness” standard to its evaluation of charter schools,


defined as "an approach to viewing culture and identity as assets” in order to "acknowledge and actively draw upon diverse backgrounds and identities.”

