优势商务英语谈判 Losing Side of Closing the Deal(在线收听

Losing Side of Closing the Deal

Dialogue 1 A:So,let's see ,we've agreed on a price of 8 dollars 75 cents per Unit,i know this is a little less than you're expecting,but i appreciate your discount to on those.

B:We can give you that much of discount, only because you're able to cover the insurance costs yourself.

A:Yes, we agreed on this point,we've got the insurance on the shipment which you'll be sending on ground transport from NanJing to Los Angeles.The price Per Unit takes into account any associated transportation costs to Los Angeles.

B:That's right,but after it reached the US.You're responsible for the backing and transportation.

A:Yes,with the ground transport,you can get the ?to us within two months of the production date.

B:Three month.

A:Oh,three month,it doesn't matter.Three month is still within our deadline ,and excitable to us.

B:So it sounds like we're good to go.

A:Sounds like a deal,i'll have our legal department draw up a contract specify all these things we've talked about. we'll get a fax to your office right away.

B:If you get the contract in our hands by 3'o'clock this afternoon,i should be able to return it to you sign by this Monday.

Dialogue 2 A:Jim,do you have a minute? i could use your hand here?

B:What's up? What can i do for you ?

A:I'm trying to do some preparation for my meeting tomorrow with our investment partners.I was hoping you wouldn't mind brain storming a bit with me about investment project.I know you're pretty familiar with the project and you worked with their team before.You'd be a great help.

B:No problem,first what are you thinking as far as our goals i concerned.

A:Well,we want them to handle all the management for the investment project.We just don't have enough resources to do administration.

B:I agree,but i think you are overlooking something,i don't think they'll go for showing 100% of the administrated burden.They are almost as stretched as we are in personnel,if you want them to agree on this deal ,we'll have to offer a little help on this area.

A:You're right ,well if we offer to supply about 25% of the management support,do you think they'll be able to go for that 75%?

B:Probably,you could probably get them to close with an offer of 25-75.They do have more resources than we do,and they might compromise,do you think we'll be able to put forth the 25% without overdoing it?

A:Yeah, i think 25% is still within our limits.
