优势商务英语谈判 Establishing a Foreign Office(在线收听

Establishing a Foreign Office

Dialogue 1 A:WINDIT HEADBACK to Headquarters,did you finish all the work you needed to do to set up the office in BABCOCK?

B:You wouldn't believe how many details are involved in setting up a new branch office,i am supposed to make a report about our BABCOCK branch,when i go back to Headquarters next Tuesday,but i am afraid there is still a lot left done done.

A:Like what?

B:Well,first of all ,there are many local issues to deal with,the local goverment give you a lot red tape to cut through,you've got to register a local business licence,and manage all the ? registrations and certifications for doing business in the local area,that's one reason why having a local hire resuch an set,they know the rules.

A:Yeah,i can see the advantage of having a native help you through all the tedian.But could you just delegate all that work?

B:To a certain extent,you can,but you've got to make sure that everything is done after snuff.You know according to the company standard and company policy.So there are a lot of supervisors work that needs to be done and a lots of decision to be made.

A:Oh bad.

B:You've got to decide where to physically locator office,do interview in hiring local stuff,manage the offices,links with the local goverment agencyies and headquarters.Just a lot of details.

A:Sounds like a lot of work.

Dialogue 2 A:What's your presents like in the Europe market?we've got to make some highly developed branding and merging branding in West European where are housename.But our offices in East European are barely open.

B:But you do have failed offices in Eastern Europe.

A:Yes,we do in quite a few countries,our lade for an office was open in Portland.The hardest part was translating all our company literature

B:Dont employeers begin english anyway?

A:Most of them do ,but some of the local hires don't,there are a lot of contrary considerations too,not only do we worry about the language,but we have to also worry about the way things of done in the different country ,people communicate differently and also do business differently.It takes a great cultural education to be successful globally.

B:Did you have a lot of residences from the local goverment?

A:Not much,the local goverment is in favor of being there,because for an investment is a jumpstar to their economy.
