乔布斯传 第614期:期权(2)(在线收听

Making matters worse was a June 2001 cover story in Fortune about overcompensated CEOs, "The Great CEO Pay Heist."


A mug of Jobs, smiling smugly, filled the cover.


Even though his options were underwater at the time,


the technical method of valuing them when granted (known as a Black-Scholes valuation) set their worth at $872 million.


Fortune proclaimed it "by far" the largest compensation package ever granted a CEO.


It was the worst of all worlds:


Jobs had almost no money that he could put in his pocket for his four years of hard and successful turnaround work at Apple,


yet he had become the poster child of greedy CEOs, making him look hypocritical and undermining his self-image.


He wrote a scathing letter to the editor, declaring that his options actually "are worth zero"


and offering to sell them to Fortune for half of the supposed $872 million the magazine had reported.


In the meantime Jobs wanted the board to give him another big grant of options, since his old ones seemed worthless.


He insisted, both to the board and probably to himself,


that it was more about getting proper recognition than getting rich.


"It wasn't so much about the money," he later said in a deposition in an SEC lawsuit over the options.


"Everybody likes to be recognized by his peers... I felt that the board wasn't really doing the same with me."


He felt that the board should have come to him offering a new grant, without his having to suggest it.


"I thought I was doing a pretty good job. It would have made me feel better at the time."

