环球慢速英语 听众来信(6)(在线收听

Suddenly, the snake awakened. It opened its mouth. It showed its long sharp teeth. It was going to bite the eaglet! So the boy took out his bow and arrow. And he killed the snake. Then, he took the eaglet with him. He climbed down the hill and started on his way home. But he did not get far before he heard a noise above him. The large eagle was following him. The eagle cried out, 'Why did you steal my child?' The boy said, 'The child is mine. You failed to kill the snake. And I saved the child.' But the eagle stated 'Give me back my child. And I will give you sharp eyes like my eyes, and the power of my wings. You will be very strong. And one day people will even call you an eagle.'


The boy returned the baby eagle. So he became a very strong man. He was a great hunter. And he killed many of his people's enemies. All the time the eagle flew above him. It watched and protected him. So the people of his land asked him to be their king. They called him 'Albanian' which means 'Son of the Eagle'. And his kingdom became Albania — Land of the Eagles.

