环球慢速英语 面对真相(3)(在线收听

Voice 1: One problem is that people who have been hurt in the conflict find it very difficult to forget, or to forgive. In March 2006, Bishop Desmond Tutu helped to organise some meetings. Some of the victims of violence were to meet the men who had killed people and planted bombs. Bishop Tutu had experience of this sort of meeting in his own country, South Africa. Bishop Tutu said:


"I think we must learn that very few people like to keep on hating each other. We need to let it go. I hope that people will discover how good it is to have someone to listen to them. God created us to be together. Not one of us can be completely alone. People do want to speak. They want to say things that they have not been able to say before. Then they feel better. The people I met all said they were happy that they had come."

