环球慢速英语 塑料袋废物(7)(在线收听

oice 2: Some countries, like Scotland, have placed a tax on plastic bags. Now people do not receive them for free when they go to the store or market. They must pay for them. Many people do not want to pay for plastic bags. So, they re-use old bags. Some people carry other kinds of bags. These countries have reduced their plastic waste problem. Other countries have banned the use of plastic bags all together, like South Africa and Kenya.


Voice 1: There are many Internet websites that give ideas about ways to re-use plastic bags. But on those sites there are people who are against using plastic at all. They suggest carrying a cloth bag instead. Carry it to the store. Carry it to the market. People can use cloth bags again and again. Re-usable bags do not create waste.


Voice 2: Plastic bags are a waste problem that will not soon go away. But, people can help reduce waste. Do not be part of the problem. Be part of the solution instead. Re-use your plastic bags. Or, do not use them at all! Keep your community's streets clean.

