科学美国人60秒 刺猬宿主抗生素耐药性的进化(在线收听

Hedgehogs Host the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance


Karen Hopkin: This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Karen Hopkin.

Hedgehogs are a lot of things. They’re small and spiky, covered in quills. And some people even say they’re cute. Now, a new study says that they are also the origin of resistance to methicillin, an antibiotic derived from penicillin. That pointed observation appears in the journal Nature.



Antibiotic resistance is a huge clinical problem. And methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus…otherwise known as M-R-S-A or MRSA…can be difficult to treat as many have developed resistance to a handful of our frontline therapeutics.


Jesper Larsen: Historically it has been assumed that resistance in disease-causing bacteria, including Staph aureus, is a modern phenomenon driven by clinical use of antibiotics.


Hopkin: Jesper Larsen is a senior scientist at the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen…

Larsen: …which is the Danish equivalent of the CDC in the US.



Hopkin: Methicillin resistance was thought to be tied to prescription, in part because methicillin-resistant bugs were first isolated from British hospitals just a year after the drug became available for clinical use.


Larsen: But a couple of years ago we found out by chance that MecC M-R-S-A is present in more than 60 percent of hedgehogs from Denmark and Sweden.

拉森:但几年前,我们偶然发现,丹麦和瑞典60%以上的刺猬体内含有MecC M-R-S-a。

Hopkin: Ok, what’s MecC M-R-S-A? Methicillin and penicillin belong to the so-called “beta lactam” family of antibiotics. They kill bacteria by inhibiting enzymes the bugs use to build their protective cell walls. MecC…and a related gene MecA…encode versions of the enzymes that the antibiotics don’t latch onto as well.

霍普金:好的,什么是MecC M-R-s-A?甲氧西林和青霉素属于所谓的“β-内酰胺”抗生素家族。它们通过抑制细菌用来构建保护细胞壁的酶来杀死细菌。MecC…和一个相关的基因MecA…编码抗生素也不能锁定的酶的版本。

Larsen: Staph aureus bacteria that carry these genes are therefore resistant to most beta lactam antibiotics.


Hopkin: But where did these resistance genes come from? They’ve been spotted not only In folks with Staph infections, but in livestock…like pigs and cattle…and in some wild animals. And in Sweden, Larsen found that mecC is really common in hedgehogs.


Larsen: So the big question was, why hedgehogs carry so much mecC MRSA.

Hopkin: To find out, Larsen went to the library…

拉森:所以最大的问题是,为什么刺猬携带那么多mecC MRSA。


Larsen: …where I came across an old study from the 1960s which showed that a particular fungus in hedgehogs is able to produce a penicillin-like antibiotic that is very similar to methicillin.


Hopkin: So hedgehogs with this particular skin fungus would naturally be exposed to penicillin. And that could have launched an evolutionary arms race that drove the hedgehog’s resident bacteria to evolve resistance.


Larsen: This was a real eureka moment and led us to hypothesize that wild hedgehogs have been a natural reservoir of mecC MRSA long before penicillin and methicillin came on the market.

拉森:这真是一个大惊小怪的时刻,让我们推测,早在青霉素和甲氧西林上市之前,野生刺猬就已经是mecC MRSA的天然蓄水池。

Hopkin: To confirm this suspicion, Larsen and his colleagues screened hedgehogs from Europe and New Zealand and found that hedgehogs in Scandinavia and the UK harbor a heavy load of mecC MRSA. And they also found that the fungus carried by those hedgehogs had all the genes they needed to produce penicillin.

霍普金:为了证实这一怀疑,拉森和他的同事对来自欧洲和新西兰的刺猬进行了筛选,发现斯堪的纳维亚和英国的刺猬体内含有大量的mecC MRSA。他们还发现,这些刺猬携带的真菌具有产生青霉素所需的所有基因。

Larsen: We then went on and sequenced and analyzed the genomes of around one thousand mecC MRSA isolates. Which showed that they first appeared in hedgehogs in the early 1800s long before we started to use antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine.

拉森:然后我们继续对大约1000株mecC MRSA菌株的基因组进行测序和分析。这表明,早在我们开始在人类和兽医中使用抗生素之前,它们第一次出现在19世纪早期的刺猬身上。Hopkin: Now, that doesn’t mean that we should feel free to use antibiotics all over the place, because it’s not our fault…it’s the hedgehogs’. Because if having antibiotics around encourages bacteria to evolve resistance, taking antibiotics away robs them of their superpower…and leaves them a little bit weaker than their non-resistant kin.


Larsen: It is often very energy consuming to produce the enzymes that inactivate the antibiotics. This means that resistant bacteria will often be outcompeted by susceptible bacteria in periods when they are not exposed to antibiotics.


Hopkin: So if we really want to show MRSA no mercy, we should keep the methicillin to a minimum. And maybe keep at least a quills-length away from Scandinavian hedgehogs.

For Scientific American’s 60-Second Science, I’m Karen Hopkin.


