乔布斯传 第687期:2010年1月,iPad发布(4)(在线收听) |
The public carping subsided when the iPad went on sale in April and people got their hands on it. 4月,当iPad开始销售、人们亲手拿到它之后,公众的挑剔情绪开始消退。 Both Time and Newsweek put it on the cover. 《时代》杂志和《新闻周刊》都将其做了封面报道。 "The tough thing about writing about Apple products is that they come with a lot of hype wrapped around them," Lev Grossman wrote in Time. 列夫·格罗斯曼在《时代》杂志撰文写道:“撰写苹果公司产品文章的难题之一在于,它们常常伴随着天花乱坠的宣传。 "The other tough thing about writing about Apple products is that sometimes the hype is true." 另一个难处则是,有时候炒作都是真的。” His main reservation, a substantive one, was "that while it's a lovely device for consuming content, it doesn't do much to facilitate its creation." 他对iPad的唯一保留意见就是,“虽然它是进行内容消费的好设备,但是对于内容创造并无多大助益。” Computers, especially the Macintosh, had become tools that allowed people to make music, videos, websites, and blogs, which could be posted for the world to see. 电脑,尤其是麦金塔,巳成为人们制作音乐、视频、网站和博客的工具,可以贴出来让全世界都看到。 "The iPad shifts the emphasis from creating content to merely absorbing and manipulating it. “iPad将重点从内容创造转移至仅仅是吸收和使用内容。 It mutes you, turns you back into a passive consumer of other people's masterpieces." 它让你成为观者,把你变成被动消费者,消费其他人的杰作。” It was a criticism Jobs took to heart. 乔布斯将这一批评放在心上。 He set about making sure that the next version of the iPad would emphasize ways to facilitate artistic creation by the user. 他开始着手改进,确保下一代iPad能够加强方便用户进行艺术创作的功能。 Newsweek's cover line was "What's So Great about the iPad? Everything." 《新闻周刊》的封面标题是“iPad好在哪儿?哪儿都好。”” Daniel Lyons, who had zapped it with his "Snooki" comment at the launch, revised his opinion. 之前用Snooki刻薄评论iPad的丹尼尔·莱昂斯修正了自己的观点。 "My first thought, as I watched Jobs run through his demo, was that it seemed like no big deal," he wrote. “在观看乔布斯演示的时候,我第一感觉就是,这好像没什么大不了的,”他写道。 "It's a bigger version of the iPod Touch, right? Then I got a chance to use an iPad, and it hit me: I want one." “就是个大点儿的iPodToudi,不是吗?后来,我有机会用了一下iPad,一下就爱上了它:我也想要一个。 Lyons, like others, realized that this was Jobs's pet project, and it embodied all that he stood for. 莱昂斯和其他人一样,意识到这是乔布斯的得意之作,体现了他的所有理念。 "He has an uncanny ability to cook up gadgets that we didn't know we needed, but then suddenly can't live without," he wrote. “他有种不可思议的能力,能够创造出一些小工具,我们原先不知道自己需要它们,等推出以后我们却发现自己离不开它们,”莱昂斯写道。 "A closed system may be the only way to deliver the kind of techno- Zen experience that Apple has become known for." “封闭的系统可能是传达苹果的技术禅理的唯一途径。” |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/qbsz/550488.html |