
“The conviction that the crime is a very peculiar one. Perhaps our visit now  may do something to make it less obscure. I think that we are both agreed,  Inspector, that the fragment of paper in the dead man's hand, bearing, as it  does, the very hour of his death written upon it, is of extreme importance.”

“It should give a clue, Mr. Holmes.”

“It does give a clue. Whoever wrote that note was the man who brought William  Kirwan out of his bed at that hour. But where is the rest of that sheet of  paper?”

“I examined the ground carefully in the hope of finding it,” said the  Inspector.

“It was torn out of the dead man's hand. Why was some one so anxious to get  possession of it? Because it incriminated him. And what would he do with it?  Thrust it into his pocket, most likely, never noticing that a corner of it had  been left in the grip of the corpse. If we could get the rest of that sheet it  is obvious that we should have gone a long way towards solving the mystery.”

“Yes, but how can we get at the criminal's pocket before we catch the criminal? ”

“Well, well, it was worth thinking over. Then there is another obvious point.  The note was sent to William. The man who wrote it could not have taken it;  otherwise, of course, he might have delivered his own message by word of mouth.  Who brought the note, then? Or did it come through the post?”

“I have made inquiries,” said the Inspector. “William received a letter by  the afternoon post yesterday. The envelope was destroyed by him.”

“Excellent!” cried Holmes, clapping the Inspector on the back. “You've seen  the postman. It is a pleasure to work with you. Well, here is the lodge, and if  you will come up, Colonel, I will show you the scene of the crime.”

“结果就是我确信这一犯罪行为是很奇特的。或许我们眼下这次访问可以使它多少明朗一些 。警官,我认为我们两个人都同意,死者手中的这张纸片上面写着的时间,正是他死去的时 间,这一点是极为重要的。”


“这确实给我们提供了一个线索。写这张便条的人,就是要威廉-柯万在那个时间起一床一 的人。可是这张纸的那一半在哪里呢?”


“它是从死者手中撕去的。为什么有人那么急切地要得到它呢?因为它可以证明他的罪行。 撕下以后他又怎么处理它呢?他把它塞一进衣袋里,很可能没有注意到有一角纸片还抓在死 者手里。如果我们能够得到撕走的那片纸,显然,对我们解一开这个谜大有帮助。”


“啊,啊,这是值得仔细考虑的。而且还有另外一点也很明显。这张便条是给威廉的。写便 条的人是不会亲自一交一给他的,不然的话,他当然可以把内容亲口向他说了。那么,是谁 把便条带给死者的呢?或许是通过邮局寄来的?”

“我已经查问过了,”警官说道,“昨天下午,威廉从邮局接到一封信。信封已经被他毁掉 了。”

“好极了!”福尔摩斯拍了拍警官的背,大声说道,“你已经见过邮差了。和你一起工作, 我非常高兴。好,这就是那间仆人住房,上校,如果你愿意进来,我把犯罪现场指给你看。 ”
