华盛顿邮报 被劫持的犹太教堂(下)(在线收听

What did they do? How did they escape?

他们做了什么? 他们是如何逃脱的?

You know, it's interesting. At this early stage in the investigation, we have three very different versions of what happened.

你知道,这很有趣。 在调查的早期阶段,我们对所发生的事情有三种不同的说法。

We have the brother of the intruder, who had been on the phone with him at various points during the day, saying that Faisal Akram released the hostages.


We have the FBI saying that they were able to get the hostages out and -- in other words, to somehow play a role in effecting their release.


And then we have the hostages themselves, the rabbi and one of the others saying, no, none of these other people had anything to do with this.


What happened was, after all of these hours of conversation and anger, the rabbi saw an opening where the intruder was momentarily not paying attention to them.


The rabbi and the others had inched their way toward an exit and were about 20 feet from the exit when the rabbi decided, "Here's my moment."


He took a chair, he threw it at the intruder, and in the confusion, he bolted out the door, having already told the other hostages to follow him, and they made it outside.


One of the hostages had been released a couple of hours earlier, apparently on humanitarian grounds.


Apparently, he was suffering from a medical condition.

显然他当时身体状况不佳 。

And so the intruder had allowed him out.


But the other three left in the evening while the forces from the FBI, police, and state troopers had amassed outside and were ready to go after the intruder upon the exit of the hostages.


And what happened to Akram?


So, as soon as the rabbi and the other hostages got out, law enforcement entered the building.


We heard a big flash bang. We heard gunfire, then silence, then a little more gunfire.

我们听到一声巨响。 我们听到枪声,然后是寂静,然后是更多的枪声。

And then we were told that the intruder was dead.


We do not know, to this date, whether he killed himself or was killed by gunfire from law enforcement.


The intruder had said all throughout the day that he would not leave that building alive, that he was going to die.


It sounded, at various points during the livestream, like he wanted to die, that that was one of his goals.


He wanted to get Siddiqui released, he wanted her brought there, but at all times, he said that he and probably she would die at the end of the day and that they would ascend to heaven.

