环球慢速英语 泰国对抗艾滋病的不寻常方法(2)(在线收听

Voice 1: The UN AIDS programme says that AIDS is spreading faster in Asia than in any other place. Five million people in India are infected. In parts of Indonesia, infection rates have risen to seventeen percent. And UNAIDS estimates that ten million people in China could be infected with HIV by 2010.


Voice 2: The problem was also severe in the Asian country of Thailand. The first reported case of AIDS appeared in Thailand in nineteen eighty four [1984]. Since then, Thailand has worked to slow the spread of AIDS there. Their AIDS policies are strong and effective. But some people could say that they are also a little strange! Today’s Spotlight is on the fight against AIDS in Thailand. Today we will share with you some of the strange and interesting ways that the government of Thailand deals with preventing AIDS.

