纪录片《文明》 第176期 进步崇拜(8)(在线收听

who had the wealth and the foresight to commission this portrait from Lindauer in 1884.

他的远见和财富使他能委托林道尔 在1884年创作这一幅肖像画

Now, what's really significant is that when Lindauer was painting portraits of Maori for European customers,

现在 很重要的是 当林道尔为欧洲客户绘制 毛利人的肖像画时

he tended to paint them in traditional costume,


but many Maori patrons who had their portrait painted by Lindauer


demanded that they be shown in a hybrid mixture of European and traditional dress,


to show that they were people who could freely move between the two cultures.


It's through this portrait of Te Rangiotu,adorned with the symbols of his status,

正是通过提·朗齐欧图这幅 装饰着代表他身份地位的符号的肖像画

that his descendants feel they are still able to connect with their illustrious ancestor.


His picture is given pride of place in the clan's meeting house,a sacred space in Maori culture.

他的肖像被放置在家族议事堂的显要位置 那里是毛利文化中的圣地

The traditional Maori meeting house is itself designed to embody an ancestor, both spiritually and physically,

传统的毛利家族议事堂本身就被设计成 从精神上和实物上体现出一位祖先的存在

from the head and the outstretched arms to the backbone and the ribs.

从这里的头部和伸展的胳膊 再到这里的脊柱和肋骨

Each of the semi-abstract designs and swirling patterns represents specific qualities,

每一个这种半抽象设计和螺旋图案 都象征着一种具体品质

from courage and strength to health and prosperity.

从勇气和力量 到健康和繁荣

These patterns are mirrored in the most dynamic of all the Maori art forms.


Ta Moko - the art of the tattoo.

塔莫克 即纹身艺术

Face and body tattoos link Maori not only with their ancestors,

面部和身上的纹身不仅 将毛利人和他们的祖先相联

but also with other cultures across the Pacific,


who practice it in different forms.


The Maori almost certainly brought it with them

七百多年前 当毛利人首先定居在奥特亚罗瓦

when they first settled in Aotearoa, New Zealand, over 700 years ago.

即新西兰时 应该就是他们把这一习俗 带到了这里

For centuries, Ta Moko carried specific cultural meanings.

数世纪以来 塔莫克承载着特殊的文化含义

They denoted social status or family connections,


and it's said that no two designs are ever alike.


While today, perhaps inevitably,

然而今天 可能不可避免的是

the designs of Ta Moko have been appropriated as a global fashion accessory,


for many Maori, they've been re-claimed

对许多毛利人来说 它们重新成为

as a highly visible symbol of cultural pride and identity.

