纪录片《文明》 第179期 进步崇拜(11)(在线收听

In Caillebotte's vision of a rain-soaked Paris,Haussmann's grand boulevards loom oppressively, as though distorted by a camera's wide-angle lens.

卡耶博特眼中 在被雨水浇得透湿的巴黎 奥斯曼设计的宽广大道在雨中若隐若现 给人一种压迫感 好像被相机的 广角镜头扭曲了一般

Pedestrians hurry privately about their business.


Nobody makes eye contact with anybody else,not even the couple walking towards us.

没人与其他人进行眼神交流 甚至朝我们走来的这对夫妻也没有

People are cocooned from each other,not only by their umbrellas but by the anonymity of city life.

每个人都把自己包裹起来与他人隔绝 不只是通过伞 也通过城市生活的隐匿性

Even the bourgeois world of Paris at play had its shadowy side.

即便是热衷娱乐的巴黎中产阶级世界 也有它阴暗的一面

Mary Cassatt, an American artist living in Paris,painted an elegantly dressed woman at the opera,peering at the performance.

玛丽·卡萨特是一位住在巴黎的美国画家 她画了在歌剧院中的一位装扮优雅的女人凝视着舞台

Yet she herself does not escape the attention of a distant male viewer,as he stares through his opera glasses and studies her,just as we, the viewer, study her.

但她自己也没有逃过一位坐在远处的男性观众的注意 他透过观剧镜盯着她仔细观察 就像观赏画作的我们一样

It's a sly comment, perhaps,on the objectifying male gaze that produced so many of 19th-century art's female nudes.

这也许是在隐晦地批评 这种具体化的男性审视目光 正是这目光造就了 十九世纪艺术品中大量的女性裸体

Although Edgar Degas came from a bourgeois background,the son of a middle-class banker,he focused increasingly on those alienated by modern society.

虽然埃德加·德加来自中产家庭 他的父亲是一位中产阶级银行家 但他日益关注受到现代社会排挤的群体

In Absinthe, he paints two dishevelled figures in a cafe,their lives apparently destroyed by the infamous drink of the title.

他在《苦艾酒》中描绘了咖啡馆里的两个衣冠不整的人 显然标题中这种恶名昭著的饮品 已经将他们的生活毁得体无完肤

They sit side by side,yet are utterly disengaged from one another and from the world that has rejected them.

他们并肩而坐 彼此又完全疏离 与排斥他们的社会格格不入

But it is one of Impressionism's most enigmatic works that most powerfully encapsulates the paradox at the heart of the city.

而这却是印象派最高深莫测的作品之一 它有力地浓缩了 这座城市的核心所存在的矛盾

A Bar At The Folies-Bergere by Edouard Manet from 1882.


This is a glimpse into the glamorous, glittering world of Parisian high society,but it's not a world that we get to see directly.

这幅作品带我们一窥巴黎上层社会光鲜亮丽的世界 但它并没有直接呈现在我们面前

We only see it in reflection on a mirror behind a bar.


And from the moment this painting was put on display,it was seen as controversial.

这幅作品一经面世 就引起了争议
