纪录片《文明》 第189期 重要的火花(1)(在线收听

What can art do when horror comes calling?

恐怖来临时 艺术能做什么呢

What can art do when civilisation itself is lost?

文明迷失自身时 艺术能做什么呢

I've been here before, half a century ago.

半个世纪前 我曾来过这里

Coming back is like the return of a bad dream.


Theresienstadt. Terezin in Czech.

特雷津集中营 捷克的特雷津

It's about an hour's drive, from Prague.


An 18th-century garrison town.


Classically designed bastions,tidy streets, a grassy square for parades.

古典的堡垒 整齐的街道 一个检阅用的绿荫广场

It was also the stage set for an evil charade,a sham culture.

这里也是一场邪恶庆典的舞台 一种虚假的文化

From 1941 onwards,Theresienstadt was filled with Jews,150,000 in all,deported from across Central Europe.

自一九四一年起 特雷津被塞满了从中欧各国 遣送来的 共计十五万的犹太人

To deceive the world into believing they were being treated humanely, cheerful street scenes were staged and filmed.

为了欺骗世界相信 他们被人道对待 布置并拍摄了欢快的街头景象

There was football.....


A children's opera.


What the cameras did not record was the truth.


The town turned into a terrorised ghetto--beatings, hangings and shootings.

整座城变成了一座恐怖的犹太集中营 殴打 悬吊 枪击

At the heart of this malignant deception were the children.


Separated from their parents,they played and performed for the SS cameras.

他们被从父母身边带走 在党卫队的摄像机前玩耍和表演

When they were shipped on to Auschwitz,they would be the first, along with the elderly,to be sent to the gas chamber.

他们被送去奥斯维辛集中营时会与大人们一起 最先被送进毒气室

In December 1942,an art teacher was deported to Theresienstadt.

一九四二年十二月 一名美术老师被送去了特雷津集中营

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis, who trained at the Bauhaus,filled her meagre luggage allowance not with clothes but with art materials.

曾在包豪斯学习过的弗利德·迪克-布朗德斯 在她微薄的行李限制内选择了 美术用具而不是衣服
