纪录片《文明》 第204期 重要的火花(16)(在线收听

It can take last night's ephemeral rubbish,souvenirs of the hangover, and turn it into something enduring,something which actually sustains tradition.

它能将昨晚生命短暂的废物 宿醉的纪念品转化为某种永恒的真正保持传统的东西

And in the most artful hands,the very materials of destruction can turn into the elements of creation.


These colour powders look like paint pigment but in fact they are gunpowder.

这些色粉看起来像颜料 但它们其实是火药

And the medium of Cai Guo-Qiang's art is explosion.


..Two, one...

二 一

Gunpowder, which the Chinese invented,has always been central to Chinese culture.

中国人发明的火药 始终都处于中国文化的中心地位

Explosions, which have about them an echo of disaster as well as delight, have long been Cai's chosen medium.

爆炸同时象征着灾难与快乐 长期以来都是蔡所选择的媒介

But their effect, while spectacular, is also short-lived.

但它们的效果虽然壮观 却很短暂

Sometimes, Cai wants to make something which will endure.

有时 蔡希望创造出寿命长久的作品

And that was his aim on a hot summer's day on Long Island,when he set out to make a work of art especially for our cameras.

而这正是他在长岛的一个炎炎夏日的目标 他正着手准备专门为这次拍摄所做的艺术作品

He's proposing to do something with his fire art he's never done before.

他灵光乍现 提议用焰火来做点新鲜尝试

He begins in the world of tradition,with elements of a paradise landscape.

他从传统的世界入手 掺入了天堂景观的元素

Fluttering birds, oversized flowers,deer tripping through an enchanted woodland.

飞舞的鸟儿 硕大的花朵 以及魔法森林里轻快跳跃的小鹿
