财经金融新闻 呼格案重新开庭(在线收听

In today's podcast, a court in Inner Mongolia reopens a rape and murder case which ended 18 years ago amid continued outcry that the original verdict was unfair


The High Court in the northern region of Inner Mongolia said on November 20 that the 1996 case involving an ethnically Mongolian man named Qoysiletu,


who was found guilty of the crimes, will be reexamined. Qoysiletu, then 18, was convicted on May 23, 1996, for raping and killing a woman at a textile plant in Hohhot.


He insisted he was innocent, but was executed on June 10, 62 days after the murder.


Nine years later, the capture of a serial rapist and murderer, Zhao Zhihong, led many to believe that the sentencing of Qoysiletu was unjust.


Zhao confessed to a series of rapes and murders, including the 1996 one in Hohhot, putting Qoysiletu's case in the spotlight again.


Although later official reviews concluded that Qoysiletu's conviction lacked evidence and was likely an injustice, the case was never formally retried.


Police got a confession from Qoysiletu after 48 hours of interrogation, and that became the basis of his conviction.


The reports said Qoysiletu, who worked a local cigarette factory, reported the case to police together with a colleague named Yan Feng.


An investigator said Qoysiletu's case was not reopened sooner partly because of resistance from people involved in the initial investigation.


For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

