财经金融新闻 对中国红十字会的调查(在线收听

In today's podcast, the Red Cross Society of China is plunged back into allegations of fraud in yet another scandal to befall the charity organization.


The executive vice president of the Red Cross in China has said the charity will cease the practice of renting out warehouses intended for disaster relief supplies. The announcement came after an investigation byTencent Finance found the organization had rented out warehouses built with government funds for 900,000 yuan a year. Earlier this year, the Red Cross was forced to revisit a three-year scandal with the televisedconfession of Guo Meimei, a young woman who once claimed to be a senior manager at an organization relatedto the charity. But online forums have ignited with criticism against the Red Cross with news of Tencent'sreport. Experts say the Red Cross should be made an independent legal entity which would allow donors to push for greater transparency and accountability.


For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

