财经金融新闻 地铁票价(在线收听

In today's podcast, Beijing authorities consider lifting the city's 2 yuan subway fares to reduce subsidies and overcrowding.


The city's top economic planner has been considering several reform proposals, many of which would introduce fares that vary by distance traveled, and is likely to announce a plan by the end of the year. The average ticket price needed to eliminate operating subsidies is around five to six yuan.


But ticket prices have remained at a flat 2 yuan since 2007, when the government cut fares to encourage transit use. That price, one of the lowest in the world, isn't nearly enough to pay for ongoing maintenance and operations at the city's two subway operators – let alone billions of yuan a year in renovations, upgrades, and expansions. And even if the city were willing to continue to pay the subsidies, analysts say the network's overcrowding problems are serious enough to justify fare hikes simply to shift riders away from the subway.


For Caixin Online, this is James Bradbury.

