财经金融新闻 发改委首次公布失业数据(在线收听

In today's podcast, the NDRC releases full urban unemployment statistics for the first time, showing that 5.05 percent of work-capable city residents are without a job


The country's top economic planning body has decided to release a more inclusive figure for unemployment in the nation's urban areas, ending the long-running practice of excluding migrant workers from the publicly announced unemployment count.


The newly released rate is about one percentage point higher than the "registered unemployment rate" the commission has published in the past. Called the "survey unemployment rate," it represents the percentage of people without jobs among all those who have lived in a given city for at least six months and are capable of work, including migrant workers whose households are registered in rural areas.


The NDRC's numbers show that this rate has declined for four consecutive months, and that cities and towns added 7.4 million jobs in the first half of 2014.


For Caixin Online, this is James Bradbury.

