财经金融新闻 限制公务车(在线收听

In today's podcast, midlevel officials lose their right to free use of official vehicles, as part of efforts to cut wasteful spending.


According to rules released by the National Development and Reform Commission on July 16, the privilege of official cars will be soon restricted to top central and provincial leaders at the vice-minister level or higher. Midlevel officials will have to make do with transportation subsidies of 500 to 1300 yuan per month.


Excessive spending on official vehicles has long been a target of public ire, but the new rules mark the most significant move yet to cut back on such expenses.


The rules say that compliance by central government departments should be reached by the end of 2014, while local governments get an extra year. For public institutions and state-owned enterprises, the rules should come into effect within two to three years.


For Caixin Online, this is James Bradbury.

