巴斯克威尔的猎犬 疑案(7)(在线收听


Holmes returned to his seat with that quiet look of inward satisfaction which meant that hehad a congenial task before him.

福尔摩斯带着安静的、 内心满足的神情回到他的座位上去, 这表示他已找到了 合乎口味的工作了。

"Going out, Watson?"

“要出去吗, 华生? ”

"Unless I can help you."

“是啊, 不过如果能对你有帮助的话, 我就不出去。”

"No, my dear fellow, it is at the hour of action that I turn to you for aid. But this is splendid,really unique from some points of view. When you pass Bradley's, would you ask him to send up apound of the strongest shag tobacco? Thank you. It would be as well if you could make itconvenient not to return before evening. Then I should be very glad to compare impressions as tothis most interesting problem which has been submined to us this morning."“不, 我亲爱的伙伴, 只有在采取行动的时候, 我才会求助于你呢。 真妙啊, 从某些观点看来, 这件事实在特别。 在你路过布莱德雷商店的时候, 请你叫他们送一磅浓烈的板烟来好吗? 谢谢你。 如果对你方便的话, 请你在黄昏前不要回来, 我很想在这段时间里把早上获得的有关这极为有趣的案件的种种印象比较一下。”

I knew that seclusion and solitude were very necessary for my friend in those hours of intensemental concentration during which he weighed every particle of evidence, constructed alternativetheories, balanced one against the other, and made up his mind as to which points were essentialand which immaterial. I therefore spent the day at my club and did not return to Baker Street untilevening. It was nearly nine o'clock when I found myself in the sitting-room once more.

我知道, 在精神高度集中, 权衡点滴证据, 作出不同的假设, 把它们对比一下, 最后再确定哪几点是重要的, 哪些是不真实的时候, 闭门独处, 苦思终日, 对我朋友说来是极为必要的。 因此我就把时间全部消磨在俱乐部里了, 黄昏前一直也没有回到贝克街去。 在将近九点钟的时候, 我才又坐在休息室里了。

My first impression as I opened the door was that a fire had broken out, for the room was sofilled with smoke that the light of the lamp upon the table was blurred by it. As I entered, however,my fears were set at rest, for it was the acrid fumes of strong coarse tobacco which took me by thethroat and set me coughing. Through the haze I had a vague vision of Holmes in hisdressing-gown coiled up in an armchair with his black clay pipe between his lips. Several rolls ofpaper lay around him.

我打开门, 第一个感觉就是好象着了火似的, 因为满屋都是烟, 连台灯的灯光都看不清了。 走进去以后, 我总算放下了 心, 因为浓烈的粗板烟气呛得我的嗓子咳了起来。 透过烟雾,我模模糊糊地看到福尔摩斯穿着睡衣的身影蜷卧在安乐椅中, 口里衔着黑色的陶制烟斗, 周围放着一卷一卷的纸。

"Caught cold, Watson?" said he.

“着凉了吗, 华生? ” 他说。

"No, it's this poisonous atmosphere."

“没有, 都是这有毒的空气搞的。”

"I suppose it is pretty thick, now that you mention it."“啊, 你说得对, 我想空气也确实是够浓的了 。”

"Thick! It is intolerable."


"Open the window, then! You have been at your club all day, I perceive."“那么, 就打开窗子吧! 我看得出来, 你整天都呆在俱乐部里吧? ”
