纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 喋血工厂(19)(在线收听

When the water stops,more than 2,000 people lie dead.

水停后 两千多人死于横祸

One in three are so mutilated they can't even be identified.

其中有三分之一尸体残缺 甚至无法辨识身份

1,600 Homes are destroyed...


...and over four square miles of the town are completely leveled.

超过四平方英里的城镇 被夷为平地

The Johnstown Flood is the worst man-made disaster in the United States prior to 9/11 .

约翰斯顿洪灾是9/11袭击之前 美国所经历的最恶劣的人祸

Bodies will be found for years to come.


Some as far away as Cincinnati,350 miles from Johnstown.

有些甚至被冲到了辛辛那提 离约翰斯顿350英里

Volunteers come from across the country to assist in the recovery.

全国各地的志愿者 参与到恢复行动

The Flood is the first major peacetime relief effort of the recently formed American Red Cross.


As outrage over the flood grows,the public looks for someone to blame.


Most of that blame falls on the members of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club.


But the members deny responsibility.


Lawsuits are filed......But they're ultimately unsuccessful.


In the eyes of an angry public,the South Fork members-- including Henry Frick--have gotten away with murder.

在愤怒的公众眼中 南叉会员 包括亨利·弗里克 行为无异于谋杀 却逍遥法外
