环球慢速英语 蝙蝠(2)(在线收听

Voice 2: The bat's body is designed well! A bat is not a bird. It is the earth's only flying mammal! A bat's wing has two layers of skin. The skin stretches between the bat's long finger bones, then down the side of its body and back leg. The bat's 'thumb' sticks out at the front of the wing. It is free to hold on to trees and walls.


Voice 1: There are almost a thousand different kinds of bat! But all bats fit into one of two main groups — 'mega bats' or 'micro bats.' Mega bats are large. A mega bat can weigh up to one kilogram. And its wings can be about two metres across! Mega bats live in hot rainforests — such as in Africa or Australia. They eat fruit. Or, they drink the sweet liquid nectar from flowers.


Voice 2: Micro bats are much smaller. The smallest weighs only about two grams. And its wings are about fifteen centimetres across. Micro bats live all over the world. They eat mostly insects. One of the most well known bats is a micro bat. It is the vampire bat! People take an interest in this bat mainly because of its name — vampire bat!

