巴斯克威尔的猎犬 三条断了的线索(3)(在线收听


"Seems to me they are playing me for a sucker in this hotel," he cried. "They'll find they'vestafted in to monkey with the wrong man unless they are careful. By thunder, if that chap can'tfind my missing boot there will be trouble. I can take a joke with the best, Mr. Holmes, but they'vegot a bit over the mark this time."

“他们这旅馆的人, 好象看我好欺侮似的, ” 他喊道,“让他们小心点吧, 不然他们就会知道, 他们开玩笑找错了人了。 真是岂有此理! 如果他找不到我丢了的鞋的话, 那就得找麻烦了。 我是最不怕开玩笑的, 福尔摩斯先生, 可是这回他们未免有点太过份了。”

"Still looking for your boot?"

“还在找您的皮鞋吗? ”

"Yes, sir, and mean to find it."

“是啊, 先生, 非找到不可。”

"But, surely, you said that it was a new brown boot?"“可是您说过, 您丢的是一只棕色高筒的新皮鞋啊? ”

"So it was, sir. And now it's an old black one."“是啊, 先生。 可是现在又丢了一只旧的黑皮鞋。”

"What! you don't mean to say ?"

“什么, 您恐怕不是说……”

"That's just what I do mean to say. I only had three pairs in the world -- the new brown, theold black, and the patent leathers, which I am wearing. Last night they took one of my brown ones,and to-day they have sneaked one of the black. Well, have you got it? Speak out, man, and don'tstand staring!"

“我正是要说, 我一共有三双鞋——新的棕色的, 旧的黑色的和我现在穿着的这双漆皮皮鞋。昨晚他们拿跑了我的一只棕色皮鞋, 而今天又偷了我一只黑的——喂, 你找到了没有?

说呀, 喂, 不要光是站着瞪眼!”

An agitated German waiter had appeared upon the scene.

