巴斯克威尔的猎犬 三条断了的线索(4)(在线收听


"No, sir; I have made inquiry all over the hotel, but I can hear no word of it."“没有, 先生。 在旅馆里我到处都问过了, 可是什么也没有打听到。”

"Well, either that boot comes back before sundown or I'll see the manager and tell him that Igo right straight out of this hotel."

“好吧, 在日落前把鞋给我找回来, 否则我就要找老板去, 告诉他, 我马上就离开这旅馆。 ”

"It shall be found, sir -- I promise you that if you will have a little patience it will be found."“一定能找到的, 先生, 只要您能稍微忍耐一下, 我保证一定能够找到。”

"Mind it is, for it's the last thing of mine that I'll lose in this den of thieves. Well, well, Mr.

Holmes, you'll excuse my troubling you about such a trifle --"“但愿如此, 在这个贼窝里我可不能再丢东西了——咳, 福尔摩斯先生, 请原谅我竟拿这样小事烦扰了您……”

"I think it's well worth troubling about."


"Why, you look very serious over it."

“啊, 您把它看得过于认真了吧。”

"How do you explain it?"

“您对这件事怎样解释呢? ”

"I just don't attempt to explain it. It seems the very maddest, queerest thing that everhappened to me."

“我根本就不想解释它。 看来在我所发生过的事情里, 这要算是最气人和最奇怪的事情了。 ”

"The queerest perhaps --" said Holmes thoughtfully.

“也许是最奇怪的事情……” 福尔摩斯意味深长地说道。

"What do you make of it yourself?"

“您对这件事是怎样看法呢? ”

"Well, I don't profess to understand it yet. This case of yours is very complex, Sir Henry.

When taken in conjunction with your uncle's death I am not sure that of all the five hundred casesof capital importance which I have handled there is one which cuts so deep. But we hold severalthreads in our hands, and the odds are that one or other of them guides us to the truth. We maywaste time in following the wrong one, but sooner or later we must come upon the right."“啊, 我不敢说我已经了解了。 您的这件案子是很复杂的呢, 亨利爵士。 把这件事与您伯父的死一联系起来看之后, 我真不敢说, 在我经手办理过的五百件重要案件里, 是否有一件能象这样的曲折离奇。 可是我们手中已经掌握了几条线索, 料想其中必然会有一条能使我们找到真相。 我们也可能会在错误的路上糟蹋些时间, 但是我们早晚总能找出正确的线索来的。 ”
