环球慢速英语 爸爸也会得产后抑郁症(3)(在线收听

Voice 1: The British researchers continued to study the families for a longer time. When the babies were three and a half years old, researchers could still see the effects of depressed fathers. Each of the fathers had suffered signs of depression when their baby was two months old. These children had twice as many emotional and behavioral problems as children of fathers who were not depressed.


Voice 2: These are important results. And researchers hope that these studies will help to inform the public about postpartum depression in men.


Voice 1: After the birth of a baby, doctors or health care workers may make an effort to make sure that the new mother is happy and healthy. Some health care workers are trained to look for signs of postpartum depression in mothers. They try to help the new mother find support. But there is rarely a support system for fathers. Experts say that many cases of postpartum depression in fathers go unrecognized.


Voice 2: Clearly, men do not go through the same physical and mental changes as women at the time of birth. A new mother's physical body is changing. Doctors believe these changes may affect her brain chemical levels. These chemical changes may cause depression. But a new father does not experience these clear physical changes. So what causes postpartum depression in new fathers?


Voice 1: Well, the simple answer is that doctors and researchers do not know. One research study suggests that some hormone levels in a father's body also change around the time of birth. Some experts suggest that the emotional pressures of new responsibilities may be difficult for a new father.

