英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(7)(在线收听

As Tim Spector outlined in his recent book Spoon-Fed, evidence suggests that exercise while beneficial, especially for mental health does not reliably cause weight loss.


But obesity policies that propose more sport, rather than changes to diet, have always been popular in government because they pose no threat to the junk food industry.


We shouldn't be talking about obesity policy (let alone an obesity crisis) at all, but about food quality laws or junk food control.


After all, the government does not produce tobacco strategies with titles such as childhood smokers: a plan for action or tackling smokers lungs.

毕竟,政府不会制定标题为 "儿童吸烟者行动计划 "或 "解决吸烟者的肺 "的烟草战略。

Chris van Tulleken, an infectious diseases doctor at University College London hospital, told me that, as with tobacco, the focus should be on regulating the marketing, not blaming the consumer.

伦敦大学学院医院的传染病医生Chris van Tulleken告诉我,与烟草一样,重点应该放在监管营销上,而不是指责消费者。

He argues that ultra-processed foods should come with a warning label and that these products should not be marketed to children.


But there is still a reluctance within the UK government even to identify ultra-processed food as a problem.


As Gyorgy Scrinis, an Australian professor of food policy, has shown, the big food companies have successfully lobbied governments around the world to ensure that official nutrition advice stays focused on individual nutrients in packaged foods rather than on ultra-processed food in general.

正如澳大利亚食品政策教授Gyorgy Scrinis所表明的那样,大型食品公司已经成功地游说了世界各地的政府,以确保官方的营养建议一直集中在包装食品中的个别营养成分上,而不是一般的超加工食品。

What would it take for England to have a food policy fit for the task?


One obvious solution would be to create a designated minister of food to coordinate food policy, as there was during the war and up until 1955, when the Ministry of Food became subsumed by Agriculture and Fisheries.


Another solution would be to say that food is so relevant to every aspect of life that there should be food in every policy.


This is the approach favoured by the NFS report, which ruled out the idea of a single food minister, noting that food is not unique in being split across multiple departments.


Since the second world war, Dimbleby argued, the purpose of the food system in England has been to maximise the production of cheap food, regardless of quality.


This urgently needs to change, but to pivot to a new system that produces nourishing, sustainable food would require radical adjustments all the way through the food chain.


There is a need, as Dimbleby notes, for every cog in the wheel of the food system to be designed to make us well instead of sick, to be resilient and to help halt climate change.


But where will this shared sense of purpose come from?


Having interviewed 23 of the most senior civil servants and politicians in Westminster, Kelly Parsons told me that she realised that at the highest levels of government in England, food was endlessly pushed down the agenda.


It simply wasn't seen as important.

