纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 新的对手(6)(在线收听

 Most people are too busy looking on the outside to really check what their barometers say inside.

大多数人都太忙于看外部世界发生的事 无暇顾及内部指标

So as an entrepreneur, if you look inside, you'll find things that they all need that could become immensely popular,if someone had the courage to promote it.Or to build it.

作为企业家 往内看 你可能会找到广受欢迎的产品 只要有人有勇气去推广它 或去创建它

For years,J.P.Morgan has lived in the long shadow of his legendary father.

多年来 J·P·摩根一直生活在传奇父亲的阴影之下

He's desperate for a way to make his own mark,and electricity might be it.

他渴望取得自己的成功 电可能就是他想要的

Morgan is considering an investment in Thomas Edison's company,and his newly-developed electric light bulb.


He hires Edison to install electric lighting in his home on Fifth Avenue, in New York.


Sometimes you've got to take ownership.

有时 你需要自己去用

They call it "eating your own dog food", right?

人们称这为 "吃你自己的狗食"

If you aren't willing to use your own product,then how is anybody else going to trust it and have confidence? You know

如果你自己都不愿用自己的产品 那其他人怎么会信任你的产品并有信心用呢

Some people might call that being a showman,I call it demonstrating trust in your product,which any smart business has to do.

有人把这称作是拿自己当试验品 我则更愿意把这看作展示你对产品的信任 任何精明的商人都需要这样做

The Morgan home quickly turns into a laboratory for Thomas Edison's famous electric experiments.


Edison installs a small power plant in a shed on Morgan's property.


He then runs four thousand feet of wiring through the walls and ceilings of the house,and installs nearly four hundred electric light bulbs,some of the first to ever be manufactured.

之后他走了四千英尺的线通过房屋的墙壁和天花板 并安装了将近四百个电灯泡 这些电灯泡可以说是首批制造的产品

After months of trial and error,the home is ready to be displayed.

经过数月的反复尝试 整个房子做好了展览的准备
