纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 新的对手(11)(在线收听

Edison's workers labor day and night,digging a network of ditches over fifteen miles long.

爱迪生的工人夜以继日地工作 挖出超过15英里的坑网

They lay over one hundred thousand feet of thick copper wire,connecting Edison's power station to hundreds of homes and businesses throughout New York.

埋入超过十万英尺的粗铜线 让爱迪生的发电站同纽约数百个家庭和商用建筑相连

Edison's power grid becomes the model for how electricity is transmitted in the United States.


He had never worked so long and so hard at any invention to make it functional as he did with electricity.

他只对电付出过这么多心血 他从未为了让其它发明实际产生功用而这样做过

With Edison's power station up and running,a new era dawns.

随着爱迪生的发电厂建成并投入使用 新纪元开启了

The city lights up for the first time ever.


And soon, Edison's power grid covers half of Manhattan.

很快 爱迪生的电网就布满了半个曼哈顿

Electric streetlights line avenues,and homes throughout New York are buzzing with electricity.

电灯排在街道两侧 纽约的无数家庭 也都闪耀着电光

Edison had a big think approach which said that,We can build giant distribution centers and make it so that electricity is cheap enough for the masses.What a brilliant idea.

爱迪生的想法非常伟大 他认为我们可以建立巨大的配送中心 让电的价格得以降低 并进入寻常百姓家 多么卓越的见解

J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison stand to make a fortune.


But their success is bad news for the most powerful man in the country.


Until now, John Rockefeller has been virtually unchallenged while providing light to homes from coast to coast.

直到当时 约翰·洛克菲勒还在为全国的家庭提供灯光 他还未受到真正的挑战
