纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 掌控全局(17)(在线收听

Oftentimes I'm asked do you have to be ruthless to be very successful?


And I say, you do not have to be ruthless, you have to be smart.

我说并不一定 但一定要聪明

Smart is the key word.


You have to be smart.


Rockefeller hires a team of scientists to try to find a use for the toxic substance.

洛克菲勒雇了一个科学家团队 尝试找到这种有毒物质的用途

First they create small products....like synthetic beeswax and petroleum jelly.

首先 他们得到了一些小产品 例如合成蜂蜡和凡士林

But Rockefeller becomes convinced gasoline has a bigger potential.


The quest to create a more powerful motor leads to the development of the internal combustion engine.

为了创造出更强的马达 人们发明了内燃机

The exact properties that make gasoline so dangerous, also make it the perfect fuel to power this engine.

让汽油非常危险的那些性质 现在却让它成为了内燃机的绝好燃料

You're always looking for the next innovation.


The next niche. The next product improvement. The next service improvement.

下一个有利可图的市场 下一个产品改进 下一个服务改进

You're always trying to get better.


The timing is perfect for Rockefeller.


Already in possession of the world's largest supply of gasoline, he starts using gasoline powered engines to run machines in his refineries.

作为世界上最大的汽油供应商 他开始使用汽油为炼油厂的机器提供动力

The efficiency and power of the engine quickly make it the standard in factories across the country.


But when the engine is put on wheels......creating what's being called "the horseless carriage".....Rockefeller realizes that gasoline could be even bigger than kerosene.

之后这种引擎又被连到轮子上 创造出了所谓的"无马四轮车" 洛克菲勒认识到汽油比煤油具有更广阔的前景
