纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 掌控全局(65)(在线收听

The Industrial Revolution created the development of the middle class.


It created wealth that we never would've imagined possible before.


John Rockefeller may have lost his court case, but the smaller companies created from Standard Oil will go on to become corporate giants with names like Exxon, Mobil and Chevron and John Rockefeller is a shareholder in each new company.

约翰·洛克菲勒虽然输了官司 但是从标准石油公司分出去的小公司将最终成为埃克森 美孚和雪佛龙这样的企业巨头 约翰·洛克菲勒在这些新公司都有股份

It's ironic, isn't it I mean, it's a great moment in American history and it established the principle that monopolistic practices should not be for the future and that sounds really good.

具有讽刺意味 是不是 这的确是美国历史上一个伟大的时刻 确立了未来不允许垄断行为的原则 这听起来的确不错

Except now they were all separate and my great grandfather had large amounts of stock in every one of them. He made more money than he ever made in his life.

只是现在这些独立的公司呢 我的曾祖父都占有大量的股票 他赚的钱比以前赚的多得多

The effect on John D. Rockefeller was absolutely blissful from his point of view.


Even in defeat, John Rockefeller becomes the richest man in the history of the world with a net worth of almost six hundred and sixty billion dollars in today's money.

虽然败诉了 约翰·洛克菲勒仍然是世界历史上的首富 其身价差不多相当于今天的六千六百亿美元
