英语听力短剧 31拯救咖啡屋(在线收听

Episode 31: I have found out ...

Tony: Oi! What are you lot doing? What’s that?

Harry: It’s a banner...

Tony: A what?

Harry: A banner – look! See what it says...

Tony: Save..our...café...Oh, I see. Very good. Do you think it’ll stop them from closing this place?

Olivia: Well, you never know. Every little bit helps.

Tony: Hmm. I’m not sure having that thing stuck to the front of my café will change anything.

Bindyu: Oh yes it will, Tony – be positive! My friend from the local newspaper is coming to take a photograph, and I’m going to write an article!

Tony: Hmm. Great.

Olivia: Look Tony – it’s the only thing we can do! We can organise a campaign here, and at the same time Sarah’s doing some work as well...

Magda: Wow! Look at that banner! Very impressive!

Olivia: Hi Magda!

Magda: Hello everyone!

Olivia: So, go on then, have you decided to take the job?

Magda: Yeah...I have to accept the job...I mean, I really want to...it’s a good job, and good jobs in architecture are difficult to get...and I need the money!

Olivia: Sure, I understand...

Magda: Johnny’s old flat, where me and Sarah live, is great but it’s so expensive...

Olivia: But you can help us...

Harry: Yeah, if you work for the company who want to knock down Tony’s café and Olivia’s shop, you can do something!

Magda: Well, I’m not sure...but I’ll see...!

Carlos: Hello everyone!

All: Hi Carlos!

Carlos: Is Sarah here today?

Magda: Er, not yet...but she said she’d be here soon...

Carlos: Oh. Ok, I’ll wait for her. Is it ok if I sit here?

Magda: Sure...

Olivia: Come and join us!

Magda: So, is it true you’re a chef?

Carlos: Not exactly...I’d like to be a chef, that’s what I want to do, but at the moment I’m a caterer...it’s different...

Magda: What’s a caterer?

Carlos: A caterer makes food for lots of people – I make all the lunches for the people who work on the building site next door. It’s just sandwiches or soup, or other simple things. It’s quite boring – I like more of a challenge!

Olivia: Here she is!

Sarah: Hello everyone! Hello Carlos!

Carlos: Hi Sarah! Good to see you again…

Olivia: Carlos was just telling us all about his job...

Sarah: You’re a chef, aren’t you?

Carlos: No...but I want to be!

Sarah: Where are you from?

Carlos: I’m from Brazil! Even if no one believes me...

Sarah: Why don’t people think you’re from Brazil?

Carlos: I don’t like football, and I can’t dance...

Sarah: Listen, though – we’ve got an important job to do...we have to save this café, and Olivia’s shop!

Olivia: That’s right...

Carlos: But how?

Harry: I’ve put up the banner...

Bindyu: And I’m writing an article for the local paper...

Sarah: Great...and I’ve found out something very interesting...

Olivia: Oh? What’s that?

Sarah: Well, you know I have a friend who works at the local museum – I love going to museums and art galleries, Carlos – and she told me something that could be important...

Olivia: Go on...!

Sarah: These buildings – the café and your shop – are actually a lot older than many people think...

Olivia: Really?

Sarah: Yes. They’re probably two hundred years old...

Olivia: Tony! Did you hear that?

Tony: What?

Olivia: Sarah has found out that the café and my shop are really very old buildings...

Tony: That’s why I’ve got a problem with the roof, then...

Harry: It means they can’t possibly knock down these buildings!

Sarah: Right. They have historical value.

Tony: It won’t stop them.

Olivia: Oh Tony, you must be more optimistic! Try looking on the positive side!

Tony: I can’t see a “positive side”...

Bindyu: We’ll make a great campaign – it’ll show how people can stop big corporations from doing what they want!

Olivia: Let’s hope so...




Article (n.) - A text in a newspaper or magazine. 文章

如:She asked him to contribute a biweekly article on European affairs.


This article discussed the events that led to her suicide.


Impressive (adj.) - Causing a positive impression. 令人印象深刻的

如:The report looks impressive but it's really nothing but waffle.


This aircraft's safety record is an impressive testament to its designers' skill.


To knock down (phrasal v.) - To demolish (a building). 推翻

如:(Having been) Knocked down by a car, he spent a week in the hospital.


Chef (n.) - A professional cook in a restaurant. 大厨

如:The chef is not interested in Greek food.


Roof (n.) - The top, external part of a building. 屋顶
