英语听力短剧 44入室盗窃(在线收听


Episode 44: There's been a break in

Tony: Oh no...oh no...I don’t believe it!

Harry (still outside): Let’s just nip into the café for breakfast...

Bindyu: Ok, sure...

Harry (entering): Hi there Tony...what’s the problem?

Tony: Just have a look!

Harry: Ermm...everything looks normal to me!

Olivia: Hi everyone...just thought I’d nip in to get a coffee before work...er...what’s going on?

Bindyu: Tony’s upset about something...

Olivia: I can’t see anything unusual...

Harry: Me neither.

Tony: What?! Are you mad? Look – all these cups are broken!

Olivia: Oh, yeah...now you mention it...

Tony: And look at the mess here!

Harry: Some broken plates on the floor..

Tony: The dustbins!

Fadi: Hi all! What’s going on? What’s wrong with the dustbins?

Tony: There’s rubbish everywhere!

Bindyu: Oh yeah....

Magda/Sarah: Hi all! What’s up?

Tony: There’s been a break in!

Harry: A burglary?

Olivia: Thieves?

Magda/Sarah: Oh no!

Olivia: Has anything been stolen?

Magda: Quick! Check!

Tony: I never leave any money in the café overnight, so that’s not a danger...

Harry: Is there anything else? Anything valuable?

Tony: Well, there were those special pieces of fish...

All: Fish?

Tony: Yeah...I had some really nice fish...

Carlos/Harry: Hey everyone! What’s going on?

All: Blimey! What?!! What’s that?!

Harry: Who the...?

Sarah: What the...?

Fadi: How did...?

All: A cat!!????

Olivia: There’s your burglar!

Tony: That explains the fish...

Johnny: Hello all! Ooohhh...hello puss! Is this the new café cat?




nip into (somewhere) (v.) - to go into a place for a short time. 急忙赶往

Where did she nip off to?


A burglary (n.) - a theft in a house or shop. 入户行窃;入户盗窃罪

如:I don’t buy the burglary story.


A break in (n.) - a burglary (colloquial) 非法闯入

A dustbin (n.) - a big bin. (家庭用的)垃圾箱〔桶〕

These old shoes can go in the dustbin now.


The politicians who lost the elections will be consigned to the dustbin of history.


A thief (n.) - Somebody who steals something. 小偷, 盗贼,贼,窃贼

The thief was trapped by the police in an old house.

