纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 048莫希战士锅(7)(在线收听

"I think one of the fascinating things that I am looking at when I look at Peru today, is that they are in fact in the process of doing what also happens in Mexico, perhaps in Egypt, and eventually I would believe China . . . where these countries who have a great ancient past build their identity through this past, and it becomes part of their present. So the past of Peru will be its future. And eventually the Moche will, I think, become a household name, just as much as the Maya or the Inca or the Aztec for that matter. Eventually it will become part of the world legacy."

The more we look at these American civilisations, the more we can see that their story is part of a coherent and strikingly similar worldwide pattern. A story that seems destined to acquire an ever greater modern political significance. And in the next programme, we're going to see what events of 1,300 years ago mean in contemporary Korea.
