纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 049新罗瓦当(3)(在线收听

It's got a squashed nose, bulging eyes, small horns, and abundant whiskers. In fact, the face looks like a cross between a Chinese dragon and a Pekingese dog, and not friendly at all! It looks a bit like an oriental gargoyle, and that is pretty well what it was.It would have had a similar position to a gargoyle, high up on a temple or a grand house. The features of the face when you look at them closely are pretty rough, and it's obvious that it's been made by pushing the wet clay into a fairly simple mould. This is clearly a mass-produced object. But that is why it's so interesting, because this is just one of tens of thousands designed to cover roofs that would once have been thatched, but in prosperous Silla Korea, were tiled with objects like this.

阔鼻,鼓眼,细角,胡须很多,看起来像是中国龙与京巴的混合体。它十分类似同期产于中国唐朝的瓦片,但它绝非中国制造。中国龙通常有一张大嘴,而这个动物的嘴小且具有攻击性。整个瓦片的造型也颇为粗犷,一点儿也不中国。它看起来就像个东方的滴水兽,而这也正是它的用途。它曾被安放的位置与西方的滴水兽类似,高踞于庙宇或豪宅的屋顶。瓦片的面部细节极为粗糖,显然只是将湿土按压进一个简单的模具制成的。它很明显是大规模量产的瓦片之一,而这正是我们对它感兴趣的原因。人们的屋 顶曾经只用茅草覆盖,而今在繁华的新罗,人们制造出成千上万件类似的瓦片,覆盖在屋顶之上。

Why did the Silla want to build such a grand capital, and why did they need so many new houses? The Korean specialist Jane Portal explains:


"The city of Kyongju was based on the Chinese capital Chang'an, which was at the time the biggest city in the world, and Kyongju developed hugely once Silla had unified the Korean peninsula, or most of it. A lot of the aristocrats from the kingdoms which were defeated by Silla had to come and live in Kyongju, and they had magnificent houses with tiled roofs. And this was a new thing, to have tiled roofs, so this tile would have been a sort of status symbol for them."

