纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 061刘易斯棋子(1)(在线收听


061:EPISODE 61 - Lewis Chessmen 刘易斯棋子

刘易斯棋子 中世纪由海象牙和鲸鱼齿精雕而成,造型怪异有趣,横向持剑的国王、捂脸的王后(喜感)、权杖贴脸戴教冠的主教、骑马的骑士、站立持盾露着一排牙的士兵,等等,背面也雕刻着相当华丽复杂缠绕的凯尔特类纹饰。 据说是在路易斯群岛某个沙丘中的一个小石块室里发现的。

Lewis Chessmen (made twelfth century). Walrus ivory and whales' teeth; found on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland

In 1972 the world was gripped by one of the great battles of the Cold War. It was fought in Iceland and it was a chess match - one between the American Bobby Fischer and the Russian Boris Spassky.

"I'm just going to go in there. I'm not going stay up nights worrying. It's going to be over pretty soon. This little thing between me and Spassky's a sort of a microcosm of the whole world political situation, you know, you always read about this. They suggest that the two world leaders should sort of fight it out hand-to-hand or something. This is that kind of thing now." (BBC archive interview with Bobby Fischer)


