Airplanes are durable so it makes sense to repurpose them(在线收听

Airplanes are durable so it makes sense to repurpose them


An Ireland-based duo — Kevin Regan and his business partner Shane Thornton — are recycling airplanes to create home offices, glamping pods — that kind of thing.


Good morning. I'm A Martinez. Kevin Regan and his business partner Shane Thornton recently started selling cabins - not cabins made of logs but of airplanes. The Ireland-based duo are recycling airplanes to create home offices, glamping pods, that kind of thing. I mean, think about where planes go. They're pretty durable, so it makes sense to repurpose them. Now, the thing is, they cost at least 20,000 bucks. And for that price, that cabin needs to be made from the first-class part of the plane. It's MORNING EDITION.
