
Discounts 折扣

  A: Take out your student ID card.

  A: 拿出你的学生证。

  B: Why do you need it?

  B: 你为什么需要它?

  A: If you show it to the driver, your ticket costs less.

  A: 如果你把它给司机看,你的票就便宜了。

  B: That is very helpful to students!

  B: 这对学生很有帮助!

  A: Yes, saving every little bit counts.

  A: 是的,节约每一点都很重要。

  B: He charged me a whole dollar less!

  B: 他少收了我一整美元!

  A: Yes, bus drivers are nice to students.

  A: 是的,公共汽车司机对学生很好。

  B: I wish I'd known to do it sooner.

  B: 我真希望我早一点就知道了。

  A: Me too. We would have saved some money.

  A: 我也是。我们本可以节省一些钱。

  B: Does it work for college students, too?

  B: 它也适用于大学生吗?

  A: I think so, as long as you show a school ID.

  A: 我想是的,只要你出示学校身份证。

  B: I'd better tell my big brother, too!

  B: 我最好也告诉我哥哥!
