
Sleeping Neighbor 沉睡的邻座

  A: Hi! Sorry I took so long to meet you.

  A: 嗨!很抱歉,我花了这么长时间才见到你。

  B: That's alright, we have plenty of time.

  B: 没关系,我们有很多时间。

  A: Who is that girl sleeping on your shoulder?

  A: 睡在你肩膀上的那个女孩是谁?

  B: She's just someone else riding the bus.

  B: 她只是坐公交车的其他人。

  A: You mean you don't know her?

  A: 你是说你不认识她?

  B: No. She boarded after I did and fell asleep.

  B: 没有。她在我登机后就睡着了。

  A: Don't you mind her leaning on your shoulder?

  A: 你不介意她靠在你肩膀上吗?

  B: No, I don't. She must be exhausted.

  B: 不,我没有。她一定很累了。

  A: What if she misses her stop?

  A: 如果她错过了停车点怎么办?

  B: I heard her say she's going to Main Street.

  B: 我听到她说她要去主街。

  A: Hey, that's our stop, too!

  A: 嘿,这也是我们的终点站!

  B: Yeah, so just let her sleep. It'll be fine.

  B: 是的,让她睡吧。没事的。
