
Falling Asleep on the Bus 公交车上睡着了

  A: Hey, you need to wake up now.

  A: 嘿,你现在该起床了。

  B: Where am I?

  B: 我在哪里?

  A: You're at the last stop on the route.

  A: 你在路上的最后一站。

  B: What?! How did we get so far?

  B: 什么?!我们是怎么做到的?

  A: You fell asleep and didn't request a stop.

  A: 你睡着了,没有要求停车。

  B: I was supposed to get off three stops ago!

  B: 我应该在三站前下车!

  A: I didn't know. All I do is drive the bus.

  A: 我不知道。我所做的就是开车。

  B: How can I get back from here?

  B: 我怎么才能从这里回来?

  A: A bus going back will arrive soon.

  A: 一辆回去的公共汽车很快就到了。

  B: That's good. I'd hate to be stranded.

  B: 这很好。我不想被困在那里。

  A: Make sure you don't fall asleep this time!

  A: 这次一定不要睡着!

  B: Trust me, I'll never fall asleep again!

  B: 相信我,我再也不会睡着了!
